Metabolic Health

Starts With You— and Your Team

How can you get fit and stay healthy like a celebrity?

Beyoncé, Rihanna, Henry Cavill—what do these stars have in common? A whole team dedicated to their health, fitness and well-being! Nothing is more tiring and draining than touring, rehearsals, unpredictable filming hours. It takes work to help them manage their nutrition, motivate them to exercise and balance their mental health through their very public careers. Celebrities pay top prices for these services but the results are worth it.

Wouldn’t you like to have your own team supporting you this way at a fraction of the cost?

Now you can! With Tulaversity, you’ll have a structured, organized approach to lifestyle change for health and vitality. Here in one place, you’ll get state-of-the-art nutrition guidance, safe and effective exercise practices and evidence-based mental health tools designed by a medical doctor rooted in the latest science.

Best of all, your amazing transformation in health and energy levels will land you as a star in your very own amazing life!

What is Tulaversity?

Find out about our visionary approach to creating radical health & body transformations through state-of-the-art medical & behavioral science.

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Ready to take the next step? Join Tulaversity to create a radical health & body transformation in 12 weeks!